How To Rebuild A healthy Life After Addiction

As you may already know, the effects of addiction on the body aren’t good. We’re here 24/7 to help guide you or your loved on through rehab and recovery. Submit your number to receive a call today from a treatment provider. Alcohol support groups are a great way to create new friendships with others who understand the challenges you’re going through. These relationships provide a support system when you need it most and give you an opportunity to help those around you.

rebuilding your life after addiction

This is a difficult exercise as it requires you to examine the ways you have harmed people in your life. You’ll also want to start rebuilding the relationships with the people you hurt while you were substance use impaired. While in rehab you will have learned about the causes of your addiction and develop strategies to cope with life’s struggles healthily.

Rebuilding the Nervous System After Trauma & Healing Addiction – Ronnie as Guest on Awesome Health Podcast W/ Wade Lightheart

While in rehab, you will meet with an alcohol counselor several times each week. This will help identify any underlying mental health issues and begin the process of emotional healing. Before leaving rehab, talk to your treatment provider about community-based recovery options. This is also a great time to start developing your long-term recovery plan and addressing any concerns that you may have about life after rehab.

  • Exercising can help bump up the production of endorphins.
  • American Job Center (AJC), provides employment and training related services for workers, youths, and businesses.
  • Having friends who drink alcohol or use drugs can cause you to relapse.
  • It doesn’t take much to trigger those thoughts and feelings again.

It’s a great feeling knowing that you can have a steady income coming in, which you can save instead of spending on drugs. Support and continuing care after rehab can help to maintain long-term recovery. You encourage each other and celebrate each other’s sobriety. This produces a good feeling which is just what you need if you’re experiencing withdrawals.

Life After Alcohol Rehab

Treatment providers are available 24/7 to answer your questions about rehab, whether it’s for you or a loved one. Submit your number and receive a free call today from a treatment provider. A comprehensive alcohol treatment plan is essential for long-term sobriety. This includes inpatient or outpatient rehab, medication-assisted therapies, counseling sessions and alcohol recovery programs. Ongoing recovery programs provide you with the necessary tools and resources for maintaining an alcohol-free lifestyle. Alcoholism affects more than just an individual; it also impacts those closest to them.

rebuilding your life after addiction

You will experience times when you feel weak, your resolve might waiver and you feel tempted to go back to your addictive habits. Live your life to the fullest, and never allow anyone to disturb your positive flow. Speak with your family and friends and share your life goals. Finding a new job, when you have an addiction history, might, at first, seem difficult and force you to take a step back and temporarily join the army of the unemployed. Fortunately, there are some organizations that can help you regain your confidence by living an independent life.


There are strategies of distraction and action people can learn to keep them from interrupting recovery. One is to shift thinking immediately as a craving arises. Another is to carefully plan days so that they are filled with healthy, absorbing activities that give little time for rumination to run wild.